


The first 1,000 days of life comprise from the moment of conception to the child's two years of age, with 270 days of gestation plus 730 days of the first two years of life. Also called the golden period, it is considered a crucial period for child growth and development, as it is a period of 'window of opportunity', in which it is possible to adopt habits and attitudes that will influence the baby's future. The present study sought to review in the literature studies on nutritional conditions and dietary practices related to the main oral health problems that affect pregnant women and children during this period of life, in addition to the impact of pediatric dentistry in the first thousand days and its contribution to guidance to pregnant women about their oral and baby health. A Narrative Literature Review was carried out, with an electronic  descriptors were used: Child nutrition; Pediatric Dentistry; A thousand days; Stomatognathic system; Maternal and child health (Child nutrition. Pediatric dentistry. thousand days. search in the main databases: Scielo, Portal BVS, Pubmed and Google academic. The followinn Stomatognathic system. Maternal and child health). Articles published in Portuguese and English between 2015 and 2022 were included in the study. Articles unrelated to the proposed topic and published before the proposed deadline were excluded. It was observed that the pediatric dentist has an important role, not only in the curative scope and in the orientation of oral hygiene, but also in the formation of healthy habits in the pre and postnatal period. There is evidence of an association between nutritional conditions and dietary practices and their relationship with oral diseases in the thousand days, but this is not consolidated in the literature.

Keywords: Thousand days; Pediatric dentistry; Maternal and child heal.

Author Biographies

Vinícius Saraiva de Alencar, Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio - UNILEÃO

Graduando em Odontologia pelo Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio-UNILEÃO, Juazeiro do Norte-CE.

Vinicius Torres Baltazar, Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio - UNILEÃO

Graduando em Odontologia pelo Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio-UNILEÃO, Juazeiro do Norte-CE.

Geovanna de Castro Bizarria, Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio - UNILEÃO

Graduanda em Odontologia pelo Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio-UNILEÃO, Juazeiro do Norte-CE.

Emanuely Dias da Silva , Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio - UNILEÃO

Graduanda em Odontologia pelo Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio-UNILEÃO, Juazeiro do Norte-CE.

Mateus de Melo Sousa , Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio - UNILEÃO

Graduando em Odontologia pelo Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio-UNILEÃO, Juazeiro do Norte-CE.

Eruska Maria de Alencar Tavares Norões, Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio - UNILEÃO

Mestre e Especialista em Odontopediatria, Professora do Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio-UNILEÃO, Juazeiro do Norte-CE.



How to Cite

Saraiva de Alencar, V., Torres Baltazar, V., Bizarria, G. de C., Dias da Silva , E., de Melo Sousa , M., & de Alencar Tavares Norões, E. M. (2024). THE FIRST THOUSAND DAYS OF LIFE AND ITS IMPLICATIONS IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY. Revista Interfaces: Saúde, Humanas E Tecnologia, 12(1), 3316–3324.


