


Social distancing measures, school closures and emergency teaching have resulted in significant challenges for the continuity of the learning process. In this sense, the study aimed to understand the perceptions of teachers and professionals from the Multidisciplinary Support group about the implications for the social and educational processes of students at a Military Police School in the State of Santa Catarina. The study adopted a qualitative approach using Focus Groups (FG) to collect information. For teachers and professionals in the Multidisciplinary Support group, the implementation of Remote Teaching in Basic Education during the COVID-19 pandemic required a rapid restructuring of the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP) in order to meet the new demands and challenges imposed by social distancing. Furthermore, the use of technologies has become essential in this process, bringing with it positive and negative implications for teaching and learning. Fear and anxiety were present in the school community, reflecting insecurity in the face of the uncertainty of the moment, this fact may have resulted in a learning gap and socio-emotional relationships became relevant themes, highlighting the importance of a more comprehensive look at development of students. The lack of routine post-pandemic studies represented an additional challenge, directly impacting the educational process and students' adaptation to new ways of learning. Therefore, this study shows that the team played a fundamental role in promoting the emotional well-being of students during the pandemic, given the anguish and uncertainty faced by families and students.

Author Biographies

Isabella Angélica Neumann, University of Planalto Catarinense

Master in the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Environment and Health at the University of Planalto Catarinense - UNIPLAC (2023), with an emphasis on the Effects of the COVID 19 pandemic on the social and educational processes of students. Postgraduate degree in Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogy from Centro Universitário Internacional UNINTER (2012). Postgraduate degree in Neuropsychopedagogy from Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci (2014). Degree in Psychology from Centro Universitário FACVEST (2008) and degree in Pedagogy from Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados (2018). She is currently a psychopedagogue at Colegio Policial Militar Feliciano Nunes Pires Lages SC. She has experience in the field of Psychology, with an emphasis on Psychopedagogy.

Fernanda Novi Cortegoso Lopes, University of Planalto Catarinense

Graduated (2014) in Biomedicine from the State University of Londrina (UEL). He studied a master's degree (2016) and a doctorate (2021) in Physiological Sciences through the Multicentric Program in Physiological Sciences (SBFis) at the State University of Londrina - UEL, receiving a scholarship from CAPES and supervised by Professor Marli Cardoso Martins Pinge - Laboratory of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology , Department of Physiological Sciences, Center for Biological Sciences, - UEL. He worked as a collaborating professor (2018 to 2022) teaching Physiology for Undergraduate courses at the same institution and department of training. Currently (2023) he is an EAD Tutor in postgraduate courses in the area of health at the university UNOPAR/PR and a collaborating professor in the Postgraduate program in Environment and Health at the University of Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC). He works in the areas of Physiology, Neurophysiology, Human Pathology and Integrative and Complementary Practices in Health.

Dalvan Antônio de Campos, University of Planalto Catarinense

Nutritionist graduated from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Master and Doctor in Public Health from the Postgraduate Program in Public Health (PPGSC/UFSC). Permanent professor of the Master's Degree in Environment and Health at the University of Planalto Catarinense (PPGAS/UNIPLAC) and member of the Open University of the Unified Health System of UFSC (UNA-SUS/UFSC).

Andreia Biolchi Mayer, University of Planalto Catarinense

Master and PhD in the area of Animal Biology at the University of Brasília (2014 and 2018), with an emphasis on neuropharmacology, animal venoms and neurodegenerative disorders. Specialization in Health Management from the University of Brasília (2013-2014). Collaborating researcher in the Neuropharmacology laboratory - UnB. She has a licensed patent for an antiparkinsonian and neuroprotective compound. Bachelor's degree in Biology (2008) and Bachelor's degree (2009) from Centro Universitário de Brasília - UniCEUB. He works mainly in the study of the biological activity of animal poisons and toxins, diet and ecology of birds of prey. Experience in the areas of Toxinology, Neuropharmacology and Human Physiology, Zoology of Vertebrates and Invertebrates. She was part of the teaching staff at LS Educacional, teaching the Human Physiology discipline as well as supervising course completion work from 2014-2020. Content Teacher hired by the technical firm We Do Serviços (current 2020). She was Pedagogical Coordinator of the Evidente-polo Lages Course (2021- 2022) and ACT teacher at the State Education Network (2021- 2022). She currently works as a professor in the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Environment and Health at the University of Planalto Catarinense (UNIPLAC), Lages, SC (current 2022) and Chief Editor of the Latin American Journal of Environment and Health (rLAS).



How to Cite

Neumann, I. A., Novi Cortegoso Lopes, F., Antônio de Campos, D., & Biolchi Mayer, A. (2024). PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS AND PROFESSIONALS FROM THE MULTIDISCIPLINARY SUPPORT GROUP ON THE IMPLICATIONS ON STUDENTS’ SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Revista Interfaces: Saúde, Humanas E Tecnologia, 12(3), 4327–4335.


