Rotavirus and gastroenteritis: clinical and epidemiological traits
There is a strong association between rotavirus and gastroenteritis. The gastroenteritis by rotavirus is one of the most important cause of child internation at hospital. The rotavirus belongs to the Reoviridae family, genus Rotavirus and it have been classified into seven groups (A to G), where the A group is the major cause of diarrhea in children, and the B group in adults. The symptoms of the rotavirus gastroenteritis are high fever, vomiting, and severe diarrhea, leading to dehydration. Subclinical and assymptomatic rotavirus infections are very common among adults. The detection of rotavirus is done by various methods. The treatment is the use of Oral Rehydration Salts, the control is made through epidemiological vigilance and the immunization is done by the use of vaccines (as RRV-TV, in the US market, and 89-12, still being tested).Was realized this bibliographic research using the international databanks SCIELO, BIREME, PUBMED and HIGHWIRE. The diarrhea caused by this virus is the most common severe infection in children younger than 5 years and it leads to approximately 440.000 deaths per year. By this way, efforts to discovery of vaccines more effective should be stimulated and the health workers must be prepared to detect these viruses to alert the epidemiological vigilance.
Key words: rotavirus; gastroenteritis; diarrhea; children diarrhea; viruses.References
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